ADDED: Support for jQuery 3.5
ADDED: Support for PHP 8.0
FIXED: Opening images in a lightbox now works properly again
FIXED: Coverslider visibility bug for vertical sliders in Safari and iOS
FIXED: Image flashing on chrome with parallax enabled covers
UPDATED: Dribbble API v2 (Please update your token in Semplice -> General Settings)
FIXED: Curl timeout error (Error 26) on license activation and semplice blocks **
** If you can't activate your theme to update because of the error 26, please try to download and manually install the new update
FIXED: Wrong dimensions of self hosted videos * (only WordPress 4.9+)
FIXED: Controls for the self hosted video player (only WordPress 4.9+)
* If you experience black bars please don't forget to enter the aspect ratio in the video module options
REMOVED: anchors in the coverslider to avoid wrong slider links
FIXED: Scroll down arrow in the cover now working properly again in chrome
FIXED: Scroll to top button now working properly again in chrome
FIXED: Automatically scroll to newly added content in the editor (chrome)
FIXED: Theme is now working correctly with PHP 7+
FIXED: Code module working correctly now in footer and dynamic blocks
FIXED: Empty image alt tag on some occasions
FIXED: Too much spacing on mobile in some multi column layouts
ADDED: Autoplay option for the coverslider
ADDED: Post thumbnail will now get used as the share image for blogposts
FIXED: SVG images used for the headline in full width thumbnails are now visible
FIXED: Content width now applies both to blog posts and non-semplice pages
FIXED: Adding pages / projects to the coverslider in WordPress 4.5
FIXED: Cover headline visibility bugs in the cover slider
UPDATED: ACF to latest version 4.4.7
FIXED: Overlapping videos in a coverslider
ADDED: Vimeo to the social networks
ADDED: Content Editor button to the front end admin toolbar for quick access
FIXED: Duplicated element id for the content and the footer
FIXED: Cover headline for videos and images with cover zoom got hidden in the coverslider on safari
FIXED: Background images now getting correctly included with 'https' on SSL activated sites
CHANGED: Image previews in the content editor now have a max height to avoid scaling narrow images to a huge height
CHANGED: Deactivated 'Preview Changes' button for pages with semplice content to avoid broken content
UPDATED: Fullpage.js to newest version (fixed security issues)
FIXED: The Option to change an thumbnail or background image that was permanently deleted from the WordPress media library is visible again.
FIXED: Multi columns in fluid mode with gutters caused javascript errors while resizing the browser window
FIXED: Dropdown menu with left aligned items now works as intended with the standard wordpress menu
FIXED: Share box visibility settings for the selected 'Content after Slider' page now apply correctly on the cover slider page
FIXED: If you enter invalid letters in the column name input field you will now receive an correct error
FIXED: Standard webfont (Open Sans) includes now via https
FIXED: Disappearing background images from content blocks
UPDATED: CKEditor to version 4.5.7
ADDED: SVG support to the image lightbox
REMOVED: Default letter spacing for paragraphs
FIXED: Removed pre-styled class from gplusone svg
FIXED: Bold weight in custom fontsets now correctly used as the default bold weight in blog posts and standard non-semplice pages
FIXED: Apply project panel customization to normal pages and blogposts if global icon is enabled
FIXED: Line height of unordered lists in blog posts
FIXED: Double header in the semplice backend
FIXED: 'Transparent Navbar in Fullscreen Cover' setting now gets correctly applied to the coverslider
FIXED: Disappearing slides in the cover slider after a click on the project panel icon
FIXED: Coverslider mouse scroll issues
FIXED: Blog gallery paddings
FIXED: Back button in Safari (white page)
FIXED: Option 'Display Project Panel Icon Globally' was hidden
FIXED: Option 'Share Image' in projects was hidden
FIXED: Last images in a blog gallery row now with the correct right margin
FIXED: Lightbox shows every image twice
ADDED: Create unlimited footers with our content editor
ADDED: Each footer can be selected individually per page / project or set globally
ADDED: Collapsable columns in multi columns
ADDED: Change column name in multi columns
ADDED: Change column background in multi columns
ADDED: Column offset in multi columns
ADDED: Sort your columns per drag and drop
ADDED: Fullscreen cover parallax effect now works on mobile devices
ADDED: New fullscreen editor for code module which supports tabs, syntax highlighting, line numbers etc.
ADDED: Tabs for content modules in the content editor
ADDED: Option to show both the background image and project titel on thumb hover
ADDED: Option to select the width and offset for the code module
ADDED: Display the project panel icon globally on all sites (incl. blog posts, pages, projects)
ADDED: Working Not Working to the social networks
ADDED: Medium to the social networks
ADDED: Media Queries to the custom css section in advanced styling
ADDED: Option to change the font size for both title and category for the thumb hover
ADDED: Option to exclude individual categories for the blog archives
ADDED: Option to change the default color palette for the content editor color pickers
CHANGED: Improved user interface for the content editor
CHANGED: Content Editor is now high-dpi (retina) ready
CHANGED: Fullscreen cover parallax effect is now a lot smoother on every browser
CHANGED: Google+ logo to a new version
UPDATED: Dribbble module to the new v1 API
FIXED: Templates with custom modules now display correctly
FIXED: Middle click on thumbnails now correctly opens a new tab in chrome
FIXED: Tutorial video were still displayed if the tab was changed in the admin panelv
FIXED: Now search in pages and projects in the wordpress dashboard works correctly
FIXED: Coverslider scroll bug when scrolling with the mousewheel or trackpad
FIXED: Latest blog posts now sorted correctly with the latest first
FIXED: Now its possible to add custom aspect ratios to avoid black bars on embedded videos
FIXED: Broken galleries in duplicated multi columns
FIXED: Galleries in multi columns now correctly applies arrow and pagination background color
FIXED: Switch between source code mode in the paragraph module resets the wysiwyg background color
FIXED: Automatic responsive padding adjustments didn't worked for the multi column container and column content
ADDED: Option to show the thumb hover title and category along with a background image
CHANGED: User defined date formats for blog posts no longer getting overwritten
CHANGED: Self hosted videos now show poster image at video end (if image is available)
CHANGED: Play multiple videos at the same time without pausing other players
CHANGED: Gallery arrows now have a larger click area to avoid problems on mobile devices
FIXED: Overlapping of the self hosted video poster image
FIXED: Self hosted video poster image now resizes correctly & maintains full container width
FIXED: Self hosted videos now resize correctly in multi columns to avoid overlapping content (*)
FIXED: Portfolio grid resize issues
FIXED: Portfolio grid items fade in from the top left
FIXED: 'Content Vertical Positioning' option added to projects
FIXED: 'Hover Title Alignment' option add to project thumbnail settings (thumb hover)
FIXED: Wrong alignment of the gallery pagination dots if gallery has more than 10 images
FIXED: 'Save Draft' button now saves correct without the 'Discard Changes?' pop up
FIXED: Mouseover for buttons in duplicated multi columns now working correctly (**)
FIXED: HTML entities (for example ) now displayed correctly in the code module
ADDED: Option to make the navigation bar transparent while dropdown menu is open
ADDED: Option to disable the parallax effect on the fullscreen cover
FIXED: Standard menu active background color now applies to all current page classes
FIXED: Custom project panel configuration now working properly
FIXED: Deleted unused strings from the en_EN.po translation file
FIXED: Fullscreen videos now sized correctly in Safari
FIXED: To avoid errors the cyrillic characters setting will be disabled if the php version is < 5.4.0
FIXED: Some misspelling in the theme options
CHANGED: Now the project title is used as the alternavtive text for the portfolio grid and project panel thumbnail images
ADDED: Custom modules for the content editor
ADDED: Button module to create buttons
ADDED: Code module to embed code or shortcodes
ADDED: One-click Update feature for Semplice
ADDED: Dribbble module to showcase your latest shots
ADDED: Option to make cover slider horizontal
ADDED: Add page content below cover slider (if slider is horizontal)
ADDED: Option to auto-scroll to content area when coming from cover slider
ADDED: Create a responsive fullscreen dropdown menu
ADDED: Change the menu items horizontal alignment in the dropdown menu
ADDED: Change the menu items vertical alignment in the dropdown menu
ADDED: Change the menu items vertical padding in the dropdown menu
ADDED: Define font weight for standard an dropdown menu
ADDED: Access Content Editor directly in WordPress page/project overview
ADDED: Option to choose arrows for the cover slider navigation instead of dots
ADDED: Option to also add pages to the cover slider
ADDED: Option to re-order the covers for cover slider after selection
ADDED: Options to the video module: 'Loop', 'Autoplay', 'Muted', 'Hide Controls'
ADDED: Add multiple portfolio grids on the same page / project
ADDED: Option to make the cover headline image / text fluid
ADDED: Define mobile breakpoints for image title on full screen cover
ADDED: Alert when closing the browser tab if content editor not saved yet
ADDED: Option to define custom navigation vertical padding
ADDED: Option to define text decoration for navigation (hover, active etc.)
ADDED: Option to change the title alignment for the thumbnail hover
ADDED: Option 'Grid Width' and 'Image Scale' in the image module
ADDED: Option 'Background Attachment' to the content editor 'Branding'
ADDED: Option to hide the share box globally
ADDED: Option to use cyrillic characters (PHP Version 5.4+ is required)
ADDED: Options to define a customizable underline for the drop down menu items.
ADDED: Options to customize the social icons bar in the dropdown menu
ADDED: Hamburger icon animation, so cool!
ADDED: Media type drop down for oEmbeds in the content editor
ADDED: Tags in blog posts & blog overview
ADDED: Option to unmute fullscreen cover video
ADDED: Option to create multiple project panels based on categories
ADDED: Option to display a pagination (dots) for the gallery module
ADDED: Option to display the pagination either above or below the images
ADDED: Option to color the navigation arrows and pagination dots
ADDED: Option to hide both the navigation arrows and pagination dots
ADDED: Columns are now numbered in edit mode
ADDED: Instead of a blank page the content editor will now display a default page
ADDED: New theme options page called 'Welcome'
ADDED: 'Getting started' tab to the 'Welcome' page
ADDED: 'Changelog' tab to the 'Welcome' page
ADDED: Option to import a demo portfolio
ADDED: Demo project for the content editor
CHANGED: Improved the usability for the Navbar & Menu
CHANGED: Improved menu transition, much smooth, very yay
CHANGED: Placeholder images in the content editor (oembed, video etc.)
CHANGED: Moved the settings for the page background from 'Semplice' -> 'Basic Styling' to 'Semplice' -> 'Advanced Styling' where they belong
CHANGED: Libre Baskerville to PT Serif for the default serif typeface REMOVED: Full width bottom border for dropdown menu items are removed
FIXED: "Laggy" user inputs especially on the menu buttons and project panel (mobile)
FIXED: Fullscreen video cover was off-center on page load
FIXED: New method to include the style.css for the child theme
FIXED: Error with multiple galleries in a multi column
FIXED: Parse error if using an existing page as a template with portfolio grid
FIXED: Double content on templates due to the shortcodes executed template
FIXED: Scroll down arrow not clickable on linked fullscreen covers
FIXED: Fullscreen cover with a link to a project loaded no background image
FIXED: Headline title / image are not linked to the project on fullscreen cover
FIXED: Cover Slider now supports multiple Videos
FIXED: Content Editor icons on retina devices now visible again
FIXED: SVG headline images now displayed correctly
FIXED: Full width thumbnails title image now gets correctly vertically centered
FIXED: Click on menu item with a certain class does not trigger "Slide Up"
FIXED: Child theme style.css now gets included after the themes custom css
FIXED: Paragraph module edit dialog now receives the correct height in multi columns
FIXED: Added initial scale for mobile devices to avoid page loads half way
FIXED: Eliminated parse error on layer names field when using special characters
FIXED: Images in the blog format 'quote' are not scaled to the content width
FIXED: Content in the blog format 'quote' was dimmed down to 60% opacity
FIXED: Only first image of a blog gallery is displayed in the lightbox
FIXED: Cover slider can now handle numeric project / page titles
FIXED: Child theme style.css now gets included after the themes custom css
FIXED: Click on a menu item with a certain class doesnt trigger the "Slide Up" animation
FIXED: Full width thumbnails title image now gets correctly vertically centered
FIXED: Added an initial scale for mobile devices to avoid that the page starts with an vertical offset
FIXED: Paragraph module edit dialog now receives the correct height in multi columns
ADDED: Media type dropdown for oEmbeds in the content editor to avoid non-video content gets the responsive video class assigned
ADDED: Now it's possible to add multiple portfolio grids on the same page / project
ADDED: If you want to close your tab after visiting or editing something in the content editor you will now get an alert asking if you really want to leave the page without saving your progress
ADDED: Layernames, options and styles in the content editor are now getting validated to eleminate json parse errors
FIXED: Fullscreen video cover was off-center on page load
FIXED: New method to include the style.css for the child theme
FIXED: Error with multiple galleries in a multi column
FIXED: Parse error if using an existing page as a template which contains a portfolio grid
FIXED: Double content on templates because the shortcodes getting executed on the template
FIXED: Scrolldown arrow not clickable on linked fullscreen covers
FIXED: Fullscreen cover with a link to a project loaded no background image and the headline title / image are not linked to the project
FIXED: Cover Slider now supports multiple Videos
FIXED: Content Editor icons on retina devices now visible again
FIXED: SVG headline images now displayed correctly
ADDED: Option for a subtle image zoom in fullscreen covers
ADDED: Option to add a vertical fullscreen slider from existing fullscreen covers
REPLACED: Old light box with a new fullscreen light box (for Blog and Editor)
ADDED: Option to change the title and category font size for full width thumbnails
ADDED: Option for a subtle image zoom in fullscreen covers
ADDED: Divided Navbar & Menu Control Panel in 3 parts (Logo / Navbar / Menu)
ADDED: Option to change the horizontal padding for logo and nav in fluid nav bars
ADDED: Option to center the standard menu items in fluid nav bars
ADDED: Option to change the letter spacing for all menu items
ADDED: Text transform option for all menu items (Normal, UPPERCASE, lowercase)
ADDED: Option to change the horizontal padding between standard menu items
ADDED: Option to add a background color for the mouseover on standard menu items
ADDED: Option to add a background color for the active standard menu item
ADDED: Set an specific menu point active while in a project
ADDED: Thumb hover size to always cover dimensions of thumbnail images
ADDED: Option to change the project panel title (More selected projects)
ADDED: Option to change the project panel title font size (More selected projects)
ADDED: Option to select if the content starts after the nav bar or straight on top
ADDED: Added new default skin for the audio and video controls
ADDED: Our own mediaelement.js to avoid the video resize Bug in WordPress 4.0
ADDED: Option for transparent controls in the video module
ADDED: Option to pages and projects to hide the navigation
ADDED: Option to open bigger version of image in light box on click.
ADDED: All images in a light box will automatically create a gallery inside light box
OTHER: Changed the nav bar & menu defaults for both the out-of-the box
navbar and the defaults for creating a new custom navbar & menu
FIXED: Bug where fluid non-gutter layouts with 2 cols crashed
FIXED: SVG logos now gets the width and height per CSS
FIXED: Wrong top margin from 404 pages and PW protected pages
FIXED: Multiple spacers in the content editor produced error
FIXED: Blank background-image: url() no bg image error
FIXED: Cover headline images bigger than 1170px don’t scale
FIXED: Width of the cover headline images calculated wrong on mobile
FIXED: Project panel button stays active in the drop down menu
FIXED: Bottom white space on certain pages
FIXED: Font colors gets overwritten after changing the letter spacing
FIXED: Html code entered in the fullscreen cover headline gets displayed as plain text
ADDED: Missing translations to the language files (thanks to Anton)
ADDED: Source code view for the WYSIWYG Editor
ADDED: Create multiple portfolios through categories
ADDED: Edit letter spacing to the WYSIWYG Editor
ADDED: Duplicate content blocks functionality in content editor
ADDED: Instagram Icon to social networks in navigation
ADDED: Option to switch between buttons & icons for sharing bar
ADDED: Edit the link active state (text and background) in custom navbar
ADDED: Use existing pages/projects as a template for new pages/projects
ADDED: Remove format function for the WYSIWYG editor
ADDED: Open link on image in new or same tab option
ADDED: Color the back to top arrow
ADDED: Paste text WYSIWYG editor gets converted to plain text per default
ADDED: Edit the font weight in the custom navbar
ADDED: Add a poster image to an self hosted video
ADDED: Hide the project panel (both in header or footer)
FIXED: Endless loading bug on Content Editor resolved
FIXED: Row inner background in multi columns now transparent per default
FIXED: Fixed hidden social icons in safari (both on osx and ios)
FIXED: No gutter multi column layout breaks on safari and ios
FIXED: Fullscreen video cover fallback BG image scale on mobile
FIXED: Text transform option on fullscreen cover not being applied
FIXED: Fullscreen cover to scroll down with the project panel
FIXED: Background-position not resetting changing from actual size to full-width
FIXED: On retina devices the wysiwyg editor icons didn’t show up
FIXED: Default link color didn’t applied to content editor pages
FIXED: Multi column contents left margin gets overwritten
FIXED: Fullscreen cover to scroll down with the project panel
FIXED: Fullscreen cover scale fails after clicking on the project panel button
FIXED: SVG logo’s clickable area exceeds the navbar if no height defined in SVG
FIXED: Multi column module shows two columns on 767px breakpoint
FIXED: Theme options button link in the admin bar
FIXED: Branding now correctly applies to body instead of the content holder
** Notes: With WordPress 4.0 they introduced an video resizing bug in mediaelement.js. If your portfolio is specialized on self hosted videos please try not to update to WordPress 4.0 and wait till WordPress 4.0.1